The 2019 DjangoCon US Conference is a wrap! Thanks for another amazing year!

DjangoCon US 2019 was in San Diego for the second year and hosted 425 attendees from all over the world!
Fond memory from 2019? Share it with us:
From tutorials on APIs and testing to talks about burnout and async to hallway tracks where we made buttons and planned our sprint contributions, 2019 was DjangoCon US's best year ever!
This was an innovative year for DjangoCon US! Every year, DjangoCon US works hard to make our program better and more accessible, and this year we're super proud of the features we were able to add:
- Deep Dive Day, a single-track conference day dedicated to talks that go into more detail on Django topics
- Accessibility wins: In addition to subsidized child care and captioned conference videos, this year we had a dedicated lactation room and live captioning for all talks
- Travel stipends for all speakers
Thanks to our generous sponsors, who helped make these conference dreams a reality.
Awesome Talks and Tutorials
We featured over 40 talks & tutorials this year. Here are some crowd favorites!
See the full scheduleAwesome Automated APIs with Automagic REST
Building effective Django queries with expressions
Nothingness and identity in Python and Django
Roll Your Own Tech Job: Starting a Business or Side Hustle from Scratch
Keynote: Burnout and Balance
Keynote: The Natural State of Computers
Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django
Using Django as a Micro-Framework: Hacking on the HTTP handlers and middleware (for fun and profit)
WASM matter?
Our Presenters are

2019 By the Numbers
2019 was an amazing year for attendance, sponsorship, talks, food, really everything that goes into making a conference great.
The buzz we heard on Twitter was that it was a lot of people's favorite DjangoCon US ever!
Picture Perfect
We captured so many Kodak moments over the week! Thanks to Bartek Pawlik for being our official conference photographer and saving these memories for us.
View all photos

DjangoCon 2019 was possible through lots of
Our organizers put hundreds of hours of heart and soul into this conference. We couldn't do it without each and every one of you!

Adam Fast
A/V Chair
Brett DeAngelis
Program Team
Catherine Holmes
Swag Co-Chair
Craig Bruce
DEFNA Treasurer
David Fischer
Community Team
Dawn Wages
Sponsors Co-Chair
Drew Winstel
Opportunity Grants Chair
Felipe Lee
Program Team
Frances Liu
Program Team
Heather "Heats" Luna
Sponsors Chair
Jeff Triplett
Delegator and DEFNA President
Jessica "Deatz" Deaton
Conference Chair
Jorge Gimeno
Venue Team
Josue Balandrano Coronel
Visas Coordinator
Katherine "Kati" Michel
Website Co-Chair
Katia Lira
Communications Team
Kenneth Love

Kojo Idrissa

Lacey Williams Henschel
Micah Lyle
Program Team
Monique Murphy
Swag Chair
Nic James
Sprints and Venue Team
Philip James
Documentation and Automation Team
Rebecca Kindschi
Communications Chair
Robert Roskam
Opportunity Grants Team
Rubin Mendoza
Program Team
Sara Gore
Conference Co-Chair
Tim Allen
Automation Team
Tracy Osborn
Program Team