About This Talk
As developers we use indexes a lot, some by explicitly asking our ORM, some because of primary keys, unique constraint… But indexes go further than the default btree. And by the way, what is a btree?
So today we will go over the index types that postgreSQL has:
- btree
- gin
- gist
- sp-gist
- brin
- hash What is the difference between them? What data type are they most fit for? How can they help with the performance of your application? How can you create a new index with a different type than the btree in python? All of these questions will be answered during this talk!

Louise Grandjonc
Hi, I’m Louise, I am a software developer working at citus data (now Microsoft). I have been a python/django developer for 5 years, and I just love it, that and postgreSQL. I am always curious about learning SQL and enjoy working on performance! I am involved in the postgres community as well, as a speaker and also a member of postgresWomen, a group to promote diversity in the world of databases.